Can trustees sell property without beneficiaries’ approval?

A Trust is the commitment or obligation put on one in whom certainty or authority is place; it is a certainty rested in an individual by passing on to him the legitimate title to property which he is to hold …

Who cannot be appointed as trustee?

According to Section 10 of the Indian Trusts Act, any individual who is equipped for holding property can be designated as a trustee. An individual is considered to have the ability to hold property, assuming such an individual is equipped …

Are Trust funds safe?

A trust fund is a legitimate substance laid out to hold resources to assist explicit individuals, or in any event, for an association. Youngsters are incessant recipients of trust reserves since trust assets can defend your resources and ensure they …

Cash transaction restriction on charitable Trusts under Income Tax

A beneficent or strict foundation has significant wellspring of receipts in type of gifts. Such gifts might be corpus or deliberate. The Income Tax Law gives cover exception to corpus commitments (got for a specific reason, for example, for development …

How is Family Trust taxed?

While every family trust is unique, they all by and large accompany charge liabilities for either recipients or grantors. The subtleties shift dependent on the particular trust and how it is set up. How about we accumulate a comprehension of …

How to do Society registration?

There are a few inquiries in our pondered Society. On the off chance that anyone wants to begin a Society, what they do, how to begin, so here is the arrangement we share with respect to Society. We should start …

Is registration of a trust statutorily necessary?

Registration of Trust is compulsory in specific cases and not obligatory in some different cases. Allow us to analyze here where the registration of trust is an obligatory prerequisite. Situations where Registration of Trust is mandatory: The instrument assuming any, …

Family Trust in India

A family trust is a trust made to help people who are identified with each other by blood, proclivity, or law. It very well may be set up by a relative to help the individuals from the family bunch. Family …

Registration of charitable or religious trust

In the event that anyone wants to begin a Trust or religious trust, what they do, how to begin, so here is the arrangement we share with respect to Trust. We should start fundamentally; A trust is a lawful relationship …

Guide to 80G Certificate & 80G Registration

80G is a certificate that absolves you part or completely from covering taxes, on the off chance that you have made donations to magnanimous trusts or area 8 organization or associations that are enlisted to offer you exceptions from taxes. …